Welcome and thanks for your interest in joining the CHT certificate course and to become a Counselor of Hindu Tradition.

By completing this 9-month Sunday CHT course will

1) make you a trained volunteer for community service and

2) facilitate your pursuit for Vedic Chaplaincy credentials.

Before you fill this simple form (7-10-minutes), please watch the three-minute Introductory Video (https://www.hinduci.org/learn.html) to understand why it is so important to have Hindu counselors and chaplains.

Course fee is AU$ 3,000.00

However, Hindu Council of Australia is giving a scholarship for $2,700.00 to pay for most of the fees. In return, the successful candidate will have to provide 40 hours of voluntary service to Hindu Council. The scholarship is only available to those who complete the course successfully.

If you would like to apply for the scholarship, please use discount code WithCHTScholarship while filling the course registration form and pay the balance $300 to complete your registration.

Many hospitals, prisons, military etc. employ Hindu chaplains. Upon successful completion of the course, Hindu Council will help you in getting a job placement as a Hindu Chaplain.